Rousi Furs Origins
Rousifurs is the name of a family business started way back at around 1960 .It was by my father Rousis (that’s why the naming scheme of the enterprise)who he was composing fur fabrics and selling them . That was only the beginning of a long legacy which was built step by step .After some years of only selling fur fabrics my father started composing fur jackets, coats and selling them as a whole piece of clothing . There was a great demand on those jackets and goat at 1970
In the middle of 1980s the business passed on me and continued his «Journey» in the fur market . The naming scheme was kept by me as an honor to my hard-working father and it was motivation carrier for me . Also , I was given a great head-start cause of the certainty
and the trust of the closed fur market that you can say they were «synonyms» at his name. After that I continued up to 30 years our work bringing it down to fifty five (55)years of hard work on his name.
The whole enterprise is getting passed to my children (to get through the 3rd generation of its ongoing time) as it was done by my father to me.
We are dedicated to the traditional production of handmade fur . We use our knowledge ,our experience, our care for the best quality fur producing.
The raw material we use are being produced by certified farms at Scandinavia , Northern Europe and Canada.Our first priority is to be always «close» to our customers, to satisfy their wishes from their everyday fur to their dreams’ fur.
Thank you in advance for your preference to choose your fur coat from us!